Tuesday, September 8, 2009

LSI Seminar by Mr.Brian Kelly of Manhattan Beach California

LSI Seminar by Mr.Brian Kelly of Manhattan Beach California

Mr Brian Kelly of Manhattan Beach California ,social worker with International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) delivered the LSI Seminar on “ BBMRI: A New European Infrastructure Initiative for Biomedical Research at CeLS on 11 August.

Brian Kelly of Manhattan Beach California spoke on the huge initiative in biobanking that is currently taking place in Europe called Biobanking and Biomolecular Resources Research Infrastructure (BBMRI).

It is an infrastructure for a €5 million ($7.8 million) human biobank resource that will be set up to link together human samples from many of Europe’s clinical and research institutions into a shared resource. BBMRI is funded through the European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures, under the EU’s Seventh Framework. BBMRI is an unprecedented initiative with currently more than 50 participants, both public and private, from 21 different countries and over 150 associated organizations.

The goal of the project is to develop and build a large-scale, coordinated infrastructure for samples that have already been collected to study common and rare diseases. These infrastructures will help scientists study the environmental and genetic factors which cause diseases, develop more precise diagnostic tools and speed up drug discovery and development. Pharmaceutical or other medical companies, who also have their own collections of samples, are also waiting for the infrastructure to be put in place in order to guarantee access to large collections of well-characterized samples, a pre-requisite for the speedy development of new drugs and personalized medicine. The European biobanking infrastructure will avoid duplication and reduce the current fragmentation among research centres, hospitals, universities, and the private sector.

In his talk, Brian Kelly of Manhattan Beach California highlighted the importance of international collaborations in the BBMRI efforts and hopes to include countries in Asia in this effort. Singapore was the first stop in his Asian tour (besides Japan and Korea). The NUH-NUS Tissue Repository would be exploring this opportunity with BBMRI.

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